Ringer 2 0 3

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Setting up your Ring Video Doorbell 2 in the Ring app is simple. Simply scroll down for a step-by-step guide.

Step One - Charge the provided battery

Choose from our selection of Viton® fluoroelastomer O-rings, including over 3,000 products in a wide range of styles and sizes. In stock and ready to ship. 9-2 Parker Hannifi n Corporation. O-Ring Division 2360 Palumbo Drive, Lexington, KY 40509 Phone: (859) 269-2351 † Fax: (859) 335-5128 www.parkerorings.com Sizes Parker O-Ring Handbook Sizes. In this example, Ringer identifies an additional three peaks (red stars) above the 0.3 sigma contour (grey mesh)-evidence for additional, currently unmodeled conformations. 8) NEW: Signal and noise can be quantified using Ringer to sample electron density in END (black) and RAPID maps (red shading).

Fully charge the provided battery by plugging it into a USB port using the provided orange cable.

The battery is fully charged when only the green LED is lit.

Step Two - Insert the Battery

Remove the battery from its charging place and ensure that the Ring Video Doorbell 2's faceplate is off.

Insert the battery with the flat metal catch facing the front of the doorbell. The largest portion of this catch should be on the bottom.

When you have inserted the battery properly, you should hear a ‘click.' This means the battery is properly secured.

Step Three - Download the Ring App

To download the Ring app:

  • On your mobile device, go to the App Store (for iOS devices) or the Play Store (for Android devices).
  • Search for 'Ring.'
  • Download and install the Ring app on your mobile device.

Or visit ring.com/app on your mobile device.

Ringer 2019 Nba Draft

Step Four - Create or Log in to Your Account

If this is your first Ring product, you will be asked to set up an account.

To set up an account:

  • Open the Ring app.
  • Select 'Create Account.'
  • Follow the in-app instructions to create a new account.

If you already have another Ring device installed, simply open the Ring app.

Step Five - Tap 'Setup Device'

Tap 'Set Up a Device' then select 'Doorbells.'

Step Six - Scan the QR code or MAC ID barcode on your Ring device

The QR code can be found on the front of the device, while the MAC ID is on the back of your Ring Video Doorbell 2.

  • Point the camera on your smartphone at the QR code or MAC ID barcode on the back of your Video Doorbell.
    • This code can also be found on the product packaging or on the Quick Start Guide that came with your device.
  • Center the code in the phone camera's view at the top of the screen.
  • Once the code is recognized, a green square (for QR code) or a green line (MAC ID barcode) will appear, and the setup will proceed to the next step.

Note: If you experience issues with scanning the QR code or MAC ID barcode, you can select 'Set Up Without Scanning' and select 'Ring Video Doorbell 2' to continue through the setup process. Native instruments replika xt v1 0 2 update download free.

Step Seven - Specify Your Location

If this is your first time setting up a Ring device, you will receive a request from your phone informing you that the Ring app wishes to use your phone's location services to pinpoint your location. Allowing the app to do so will assist with inputting your address.

Enter your address information into the app, then confirm it.

If you have established a location previously, you can select it from the list of your locations.

Note: Without a specific location, certain features of your Video Doorbell will not work properly.

Step Eight - Name Your Device

Quicksilver 1 0 – application launcher and much more. Select a specific name for your Video Doorbell 2 to distinguish it from other Ring devices on your account. You can choose one of the default names that are suggested, or you can enter your own by selecting 'Custom…' at the bottom of the list.

Step Nine - Put Your Video Doorbell 2 into Setup Mode

Press and release the small black button on the front of your Video Doorbell 2. When there is a spinning white light on the front of your Video Doorbell, tap the 'Continue' button in your Ring app.

Step Ten - Connect to Your Ring Device

The Ring wifi network is a temporary access point that you join briefly during the setup of a Ring device. After you connect to the temporary Ring wifi network, you will connect to your own home wifi network. Then, you are no longer connected to the Ring network. Your smartphone may generate a message that says 'no internet connection' or similar verbiage in the settings. This is not a cause for concern. You can safely join the temporary Ring wifi network access point and complete your setup.

iOS: Tap Join when the Ring app asks to join the Ring wifi network.

Android: Your device should automatically connect to the Ring wifi network.

If your device does not automatically connect to the Ring wifi network, or if you chose to continue without scanning in step six, please follow the steps below:

  • Press the Home button on your phone to leave the Ring app.
  • Navigate to the Settings app, then tap wifi.
    • On Android, you may need to navigate to Connection then wifi.
  • Select the Ring wifi network from the list of available networks. The network will appear as either:
    • 'Ring-' followed by the last six digits of the MAC ID.
    • 'Ring Setup' followed by the last two digits of the MAC ID.
  • Once connected, close your 'Settings' app and return to the Ring app

Step Eleven - Connect Your Video Doorbell 2 to Your Wifi

Be sure you're near your router and have your wifi password ready.

Ringer 2 0 3 0 Adapter

  • Select your wifi network.
    • If you have more than one wifi network, select the network closest to where you will be installing your Video Doorbell 2.
  • Enter your wifi password and press Continue.

Note: After connecting to your wifi network, your Video Doorbell may update its internal software. While performing an update, the light on the front of your device will flash white. Once the light stops flashing, you know the update is complete and you can continue the setup.

Ringer 2 0 3

Please do not attempt to ring the doorbell at this time, as it will further delay the update.

Step Twelve - Test Your Device

Once your Video Doorbell has completed its update and setup, push the front button to complete a test call. This will initiate your software and ensure your doorbell is ready to function.

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The Ringer[edit]

'So he says to me, 'Hey Jeb, tell this rat-scraper about that time ye shot yourself in the foot with that crossbow of your'n, will ya?''
—Unknown bar patron

Ringers exist just about everywhere in some form or another. Usually, it's not an occupation so much as an opportunity. A merchant, sure of his skill with the quarterstaff, challenges a local yokel to a fight. He wins. The next peasant, who appears to be having trouble figuring out where his thumbs go, kicks the ever-loving snot out of him.

Now, that second peasant might just be a yokel with a large amount of luck and a little natural talent. The true Ringer does the same thing, but succeeds every time--or near enough that friends expect it every time. He/she has discovered that there are uses for appearing less skilled than one actually is.

Becoming a Ringer[edit]

Ringers typically have moderate skill in combat. They have learned how to use at least one weapon better than most, but don't want everyone in creation knowing it. They tend to keep a low profile, at least on first glance; their time to shine comes when they convince people they aren't worth that second look.

Entry Requirements
Alignment:Any except Lawful Good. (Very rarely will a Ringer be any Lawful alignment, but LN/LE are possible.)
Base Attack Bonus:+3.
Skills:Bluff 5 ranks]
Feats:Weapon Focus in any weapon.
Special:Must have convinced someone that his/her skill with the above weapon (or any weapon for which Weapon Focus has been acquired) is lower than it is in order to goad that someone into a contest using that weapon.

Hit Die: d8

Attack Bonus
Saving ThrowsSpecial
1st+1+0+2+2Forced Fumbling
2nd+2+0+3+3Fat Fingers; Taking a Dive
3rd+3+1+3+3Deadlier Than Advertised; Let Me Show You How To Use That

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level)
Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive, Tumble.

Class Features[edit]

Ringers appear incompetent with their chosen weapon(s) to deceive and confuse their enemies.

All bluff attempts mentioned in Ringer abilities must involve a weapon the Ringer has Weapon Focus in.

Forced Fumbling: I really need a better name for this. At 1st level, a Ringer can handle his/her chosen weapon in such a way that it seems unfamiliar. Gain +2 per Ringer level to any Bluff checks involving this weapon out of combat, and +1 per Ringer level in combat.

Fat Fingers: At 2nd level, as a move action, a Ringer can drop any weapon (s)he has Weapon Focus in, using the Bluff skill to cause one of the following effects in observers. Out-of-combat: observers assume the Ringer is not proficient with the weapon. Out-of-combat: observers laugh, thinking the Ringer is putting on a show. A successful Sense Motive negates these effects as normal; if the Sense Motive succeeds by +10 or more, an observer will become suspicious. In-combat: enemies will be unsure what the Ringer is planning, and hesitate to take offensive action against the Ringer or any ally within 10 feet for 1 round.

Taking a Dive: At 2nd level, a Ringer can make a tumble check to grab any weapon (s)he is proficient with if it is unsecured (e.g. on the ground or a weapon rack) and within 10 feet. The attempt to secure the weapon automatically succeeds. Mindnode 2 2 0 1 download free. If the tumble check succeeds, this is a move action that provokes no attacks of opportunity, and the Ringer can choose to end the action standing or kneeling. If the tumble check fails, attacks of opportunity may be provoked, and the Ringer is prone and can take no further action that round (except for a free action that doesn't involve movement, like shouting).

Deadlier Than Advertised: At 3rd level, a Ringer deals +1d6 extra damage against any enemy successfully bluffed during combat. This is not a sneak attack bonus, so it affects all enemies that can be bluffed, and it stacks with sneak attack damage. This damage applies on the next attack made against the creature, assuming it is made during the same round the enemy was bluffed or the round after. If an enemy is already under the effects of a Ringer's bluff when combat begins, the enemy gains a -4 penalty to initative and the Ringer gains the same +1d6 bonus damage to all attacks made against that enemy for the first three rounds of combat.

Let Me Show You How To Use That: At 3rd level, an unarmed Ringer may attempt a grapple attack to wrest a weapon of any type (s)he is proficient in from an enemy within 10 feet. Use standard rules for initating a grapple with the following changes. Roll the touch attack first. If it succeeds by +5 or more, no attack of opportunity occurs. If the opposed grapple check fails, immediately roll a grapple check to wrest the weapon away. If this attempt succeeds, the Ringer moves back to his/her original position holding the target weapon, and no attacks of opportunity are provoked. If the second grapple check fails, the Ringer and the target are left grappling specifically over the weapon. If the Ringer lets go of the weapon, an attack of opportunity is immediately provoked and (s)he must move out of the target's square. This ability may also be used to initiate combat, in which case the touch attack automatically succeeds by the required +5, and initiative is rolled after the grapple is resolved. If the Ringer has Weapon Focus in the specified weapon, (s)he gains a +3 competence bonus to all rolls while using this ability.


I've never heard of an Ex-Ringer. I don't suppose anyone else has, either. But if a Ringer were to suffer a crisis of conscience and become highly Lawful, I don't think continued deception would be a particularly good idea, now would it?

If a Ringer becomes highly Lawful, no penalty is incurred. However, any use of a highly Lawful Ringer's special abilities will cause a shift toward Chaos. And repeated alignment shifts can have consequences even for those who try to avoid entanglement with the arcane and the divine..

(To clarify: This should only have an effect if a Ringer becomes extremely Lawful AFTER picking up the Ringer class.)

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Ringer[edit]

Combat: The Ringer is typically a physical combatant with a few extra tactical options.

Advancement: While Ringers can advance as any class, their abilities are best used by a combat-capable character.

Resources: A Ringer might get some goodwill in a tavern, arena, or the like by taking a boaster down a notch, but there's hardly a Ringer Guild. Much more likely is that someone with a sore tooth will tell stories (true or otherwise) to the local authorities.


Please do not attempt to ring the doorbell at this time, as it will further delay the update.

Step Twelve - Test Your Device

Once your Video Doorbell has completed its update and setup, push the front button to complete a test call. This will initiate your software and ensure your doorbell is ready to function.

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The Ringer[edit]

'So he says to me, 'Hey Jeb, tell this rat-scraper about that time ye shot yourself in the foot with that crossbow of your'n, will ya?''
—Unknown bar patron

Ringers exist just about everywhere in some form or another. Usually, it's not an occupation so much as an opportunity. A merchant, sure of his skill with the quarterstaff, challenges a local yokel to a fight. He wins. The next peasant, who appears to be having trouble figuring out where his thumbs go, kicks the ever-loving snot out of him.

Now, that second peasant might just be a yokel with a large amount of luck and a little natural talent. The true Ringer does the same thing, but succeeds every time--or near enough that friends expect it every time. He/she has discovered that there are uses for appearing less skilled than one actually is.

Becoming a Ringer[edit]

Ringers typically have moderate skill in combat. They have learned how to use at least one weapon better than most, but don't want everyone in creation knowing it. They tend to keep a low profile, at least on first glance; their time to shine comes when they convince people they aren't worth that second look.

Entry Requirements
Alignment:Any except Lawful Good. (Very rarely will a Ringer be any Lawful alignment, but LN/LE are possible.)
Base Attack Bonus:+3.
Skills:Bluff 5 ranks]
Feats:Weapon Focus in any weapon.
Special:Must have convinced someone that his/her skill with the above weapon (or any weapon for which Weapon Focus has been acquired) is lower than it is in order to goad that someone into a contest using that weapon.

Hit Die: d8

Attack Bonus
Saving ThrowsSpecial
1st+1+0+2+2Forced Fumbling
2nd+2+0+3+3Fat Fingers; Taking a Dive
3rd+3+1+3+3Deadlier Than Advertised; Let Me Show You How To Use That

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level)
Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive, Tumble.

Class Features[edit]

Ringers appear incompetent with their chosen weapon(s) to deceive and confuse their enemies.

All bluff attempts mentioned in Ringer abilities must involve a weapon the Ringer has Weapon Focus in.

Forced Fumbling: I really need a better name for this. At 1st level, a Ringer can handle his/her chosen weapon in such a way that it seems unfamiliar. Gain +2 per Ringer level to any Bluff checks involving this weapon out of combat, and +1 per Ringer level in combat.

Fat Fingers: At 2nd level, as a move action, a Ringer can drop any weapon (s)he has Weapon Focus in, using the Bluff skill to cause one of the following effects in observers. Out-of-combat: observers assume the Ringer is not proficient with the weapon. Out-of-combat: observers laugh, thinking the Ringer is putting on a show. A successful Sense Motive negates these effects as normal; if the Sense Motive succeeds by +10 or more, an observer will become suspicious. In-combat: enemies will be unsure what the Ringer is planning, and hesitate to take offensive action against the Ringer or any ally within 10 feet for 1 round.

Taking a Dive: At 2nd level, a Ringer can make a tumble check to grab any weapon (s)he is proficient with if it is unsecured (e.g. on the ground or a weapon rack) and within 10 feet. The attempt to secure the weapon automatically succeeds. Mindnode 2 2 0 1 download free. If the tumble check succeeds, this is a move action that provokes no attacks of opportunity, and the Ringer can choose to end the action standing or kneeling. If the tumble check fails, attacks of opportunity may be provoked, and the Ringer is prone and can take no further action that round (except for a free action that doesn't involve movement, like shouting).

Deadlier Than Advertised: At 3rd level, a Ringer deals +1d6 extra damage against any enemy successfully bluffed during combat. This is not a sneak attack bonus, so it affects all enemies that can be bluffed, and it stacks with sneak attack damage. This damage applies on the next attack made against the creature, assuming it is made during the same round the enemy was bluffed or the round after. If an enemy is already under the effects of a Ringer's bluff when combat begins, the enemy gains a -4 penalty to initative and the Ringer gains the same +1d6 bonus damage to all attacks made against that enemy for the first three rounds of combat.

Let Me Show You How To Use That: At 3rd level, an unarmed Ringer may attempt a grapple attack to wrest a weapon of any type (s)he is proficient in from an enemy within 10 feet. Use standard rules for initating a grapple with the following changes. Roll the touch attack first. If it succeeds by +5 or more, no attack of opportunity occurs. If the opposed grapple check fails, immediately roll a grapple check to wrest the weapon away. If this attempt succeeds, the Ringer moves back to his/her original position holding the target weapon, and no attacks of opportunity are provoked. If the second grapple check fails, the Ringer and the target are left grappling specifically over the weapon. If the Ringer lets go of the weapon, an attack of opportunity is immediately provoked and (s)he must move out of the target's square. This ability may also be used to initiate combat, in which case the touch attack automatically succeeds by the required +5, and initiative is rolled after the grapple is resolved. If the Ringer has Weapon Focus in the specified weapon, (s)he gains a +3 competence bonus to all rolls while using this ability.


I've never heard of an Ex-Ringer. I don't suppose anyone else has, either. But if a Ringer were to suffer a crisis of conscience and become highly Lawful, I don't think continued deception would be a particularly good idea, now would it?

If a Ringer becomes highly Lawful, no penalty is incurred. However, any use of a highly Lawful Ringer's special abilities will cause a shift toward Chaos. And repeated alignment shifts can have consequences even for those who try to avoid entanglement with the arcane and the divine..

(To clarify: This should only have an effect if a Ringer becomes extremely Lawful AFTER picking up the Ringer class.)

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Ringer[edit]

Combat: The Ringer is typically a physical combatant with a few extra tactical options.

Advancement: While Ringers can advance as any class, their abilities are best used by a combat-capable character.

Resources: A Ringer might get some goodwill in a tavern, arena, or the like by taking a boaster down a notch, but there's hardly a Ringer Guild. Much more likely is that someone with a sore tooth will tell stories (true or otherwise) to the local authorities.

NPC Ringers may have unofficial backing from specific wealthy or powerful citizens, particularly if they're involved in a gambling ring.

Ringers in the World[edit]


Ringer 2021 Nba Draft

NPC Reactions:

Ringer Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge: Local can research Ringers to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

11Some people are more skilled than they pretend.
16People called 'Ringers' often trounce others in contests of martial prowess.
21The best Ringers can throw even observant opponents off-balance. They're much more dangerous than they appear. Watch out if you ever have the misfortune to fight one. Specific venue in which a Ringer is known to operate.
26A Ringer can take your sword, stab you with it, and leave you wondering how you managed to slide it into your own gut. Don't mess with a Ringer without an exit plan. Name/identity of one or more local Ringers.

Ringers in the Game[edit]


Sample Encounter:

EL whatever:

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